In Nazaríes we are aware of the importance to contribute to reach the Sustainable Development Goals as an IT company.
The contribution to Sustainable Development is part of our philosophy. For this purpose, we include a series of good practices in line with this global commitment in our daily work.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of this program aim to achieve positive changes for people and the planet.
Our contribution to the different SDGs actualizes as follows:
SDG2, SDG6, SDG11, SDG12
We implement sensorization systems that gather data thanks to which we can optimize the consumption of scarce supplies such as water through artificial intelligence algorithms. These systems allow the development of sustainable agriculture practices as well as the responsible use in cities.
We encourage healthy life habits financially contributing to the subscriptions to sport centers for our employees as well as to healthy breakfasts with fresh fruit in the office.
We promote equality with a gender equality plan that encourages and contributes to gender equality in the company. This plan includes awareness and sensibilization actions in educational establishments for women empowerment in the labor world, especially in the technology sector. Nazaríes sponsors events for the equality and inclusion of women in technology degrees as well.
We facilitate the access to technology and services to all countries, no matter their development level or continent. The international character of Nazaríes, due to its technological structure and the 5 languages in which its services are offered, makes this challenge possible. Besides, the staff is composed of people from different countries and continents who facilitate the integration of different communities and religions.
We participate and have participated throughout our existence as a company in different collaboration projects with third parties to develop new technologies and tools in the innovation sector that provide improvements in the current society.
We operate zero paper and energy efficiency policies that contribute to combating climate change and its effects.
SDG15, SDG17
Nazaríes participates in the Sustainable Development Goals through the Ongranada Tech City Cluster and the Horizon 2020 Programme.