The nitrate and potassium sensor is able to work in any type of soil. The interpretation of the data provided by the probe is similar to the interpretation of soil humidity probes, whose working principle is by capacitance: we generate a history per soil and learn from the experience with the upper and lower levels. The probe shows the nitrate tendency at root level. In this way, we can learn if the plant takes the nitrates supplied through the watering or if it even accumulates them.

  • The agricultural technology of Nazaries IT consists of dataloggers, sensors, telemetry and software.
  • The station consists of a datalogger, sensors and software, which allow us to measure different variables in an accurate and cost-effective way.
  •   Use your Smartphone to send to the web platform the data obtained by the sensors in real-time with this portable Data Logger using Bluetooth Low Energy technology
  • The handheld reader allows us to measure on site as well, and it is possible to connect any sensor to obtain data.
  • CO2 sensor

    This is an integrated temperature and humidity sensor ideal for the functioning with batteries and portable instruments
  • It is a measuring instrument used to measure the stem thickness of a plant
  • This sensor integrates signal processing elements in a compact format and is provided with a totally calibrated output.
  • It measures non-biological (exogenous) variables and allows you to understand how these affect your crop. With this combination of sensors, you will always have external agents that can influence the development of your crops monitored. For example, it allows you to calculate the VPD (vapor pressure deficit point), an important parameter for making decisions about ventilation, irrigation and phytosanitary applications, since it is related to diseases and water stress.
  • This room / soil humidity control pack is composed of a temperature and relative humidity sensor: to know the value of the air saturation deficit, which allows you to take effective measures to place your crop in the optimal margins in which, for example, the appearance of diseases, such as mildew and powdery mildew, is less likely. It can also be useful to apply sprinkler irrigation in critical situations for your crop. Soil moisture helps you optimize water cycles and consumption, as well as greater control over the risk of root infections. We put at your disposal two specific sensors for your choice: one measures the water potential of the soil or opts for the sensor of volumetric water content in the soil. This last sensor also provides you with the electrical conductivity values ​​of the soil, which is an extra control to evaluate fertilization plans or the use of highly conductive irrigation water.
  • This sensor is an infrared thermometer for contactless temperature measurements
  • Incorporates all the advantages of our packExo-Stres a nutrition sensor (NO3- and K +) and complements your understanding of how they influence plant nutrition. It will allow you to detect and relate abiotic stress with periods in which the plant stops extracting nitrogen from the soil, so you will end up optimizing the use of this nutrient, saving costs and providing only what your crop needs.
  • It measures non-biological (exogenous) variables and allows you to understand how these affect your crop. With this combination of sensors, you will always have external agents that can influence the development of your crops monitored. For example, it allows you to calculate the VPD (vapor pressure deficit point), an important parameter for making decisions about ventilation, irrigation and phytosanitary applications, since it is related to diseases and water stress. The integration of these sensors with the SIGFOX datalogger allows you an economical solution with low energy consumption.
  • It is designed using a usual mechanism in tilting bowls to measure the rainfall. The geometry and material of the gathering part allow an efficient water outflow, reducing pollution and errors.
  • With our portable terminal you will have a versatile device that can take measurements of the soil sensor at different points without having any external power source. It is ideal for remote environments where mobility is necessary and different points need to be monitored without making large investments.
  • This pack is specially designed to control parameters of great importance for seedbeds, such as: light, temperature and humidity conditions. Their compact size allows them to be installed within the greenhouse “tunnels” very easily and their low energy consumption makes it possible to use them for a long time without the need to be connected to any power source.
  • Soil Sensor

    It is a probe with sensors that allows us to control essential parameters, such us humidity, temperature and ground conductivity.
  • This sensor uses a silicon photodetector on a round-shaped head to provide solar radiation measurements.
  • The tensiometer indicates the effort that the roots must make to obtain the necessary humidity for the crop from the ground.
  • Automatic weather station. Provides real-time information and historical information on the meteorological situation of your farm. The environmental parameters measured, together provide very useful information that allows the evapotranspiration to be calculated, allowing the irrigation strategy to be chosen according to this criterion. All the calculations are carried out by the application, in a way that simplifies decision-making and provides you with the information that is of interest to you.
  • It is used to measure the wind direction with the latest technology in wind sensors.
  • The nitrate and potassium sensor is able to work in any type of soil.


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